Имперский колледж лондона: обучение, специальности, перспективы

Интересные факты об Imperial College

Имперский колледж – один из лучших вузов Великобритании, ведущий плодотворные исследования в различных областях науки.

  • Student/teacher ratio (соотношение количества студентов и преподавателей) составляет 7:1, как в Оксфордском и Кембриджском университетах.
  • Физики колледжа доказали, что возможно превратить солнечный свет в материю. Департамент физики утверждает, что такое преобразование возможно с помощью фотонного коллайдера, созданием которого занимаются сейчас британские ученые.
  • Медики вуза разработали многоразовый экспресс-тест на ВИЧ, который с помощью микромолекул золота сразу определяет, здоров или болен человек.
  • В лабораториях колледжа идут испытания успешного лекарства от множественной миеломы – опасного ракового заболевания. В настоящее время оно характеризуется довольно высоким показателем смертности, особенно на последних стадиях (от 85 %).

How to meet our English language requirement

You can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Achieve the minimum score in one of the tests or qualifications we accept
  • Show that you are exempt from our English language requirements
  • Pass the Imperial College London Pre-Sessional English Programme

The Business School no longer offers its own pre-sessional courses, or recognises other pre-sessional courses, as a means of meeting the English language requirement. If you have any questions about this, please contact the Business School directly.

Are you exempt?

You do not need to prove your knowledge of English if you’ve completed a qualification equivalent to a UK degree in one of the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Guyana
  • Ireland
  • Malta
  • New Zealand
  • South Africa
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America
  • West Indies

* Please note that this exemption is not guaranteed if you are applying to the Business School.

You may also be exempt if:

  • you studied a joint degree programme with a university based in one of the above countries. Your final degree needs to be awarded by a university based in one these countries and you must have a studied a minimum of one year including the final year in one of the countries list above (*if you are applying to the Department of Mathematics or Centre for Environmental Policy, you must have studied the full degree in one of the countries listed above)
  • you hold full membership or fellowship by examination to one of the UK or Ireland’s Medical Royal Colleges; or
  • you hold registration with the UK General Medical Council

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      • Research integrity
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      • Recognising our people
      • Equality, diversity and inclusion


    • A — Z of Faculties and Departments
    • Faculty of Engineering
    • Faculty of Medicine
    • Faculty of Natural Sciences
    • Imperial College Business School

Application enquiries

Registry Admissions teams are responsible for receiving and processing all applications to the College. This includes postgraduate courses, Master’s programmes, postgraduate research and visiting students.

If you have a specific question relating to your application or offer, you should contact the appropriate team. Their contact details can be found below.

Imperial College Business School

  • For MSc, MRes and Doctoral programmes email: business.admissions@imperial.ac.uk
  • For MBA programmes emailmba@imperial.ac.uk
  • For Summer Schools emailsummerschool@imperial.ac.uk
  • Telephone: (+44) 020 7589 5111


The Departments of Aeronautics, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Computing, School of Design Engineering, Earth Science & Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Materials and Mechanical Engineering.

  • Email: engineering.admissions@imperial.ac.uk 
  • Telephone: (+44) 0207 594 7243


The Departments of Brain Sciences, Immunology and Inflammation, Infectious Disease, Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Surgery and Cancer; the Institute of Clinical Sciences, the National Heart & Lung Institute and the School of Public Health.

  • Email: medicine.pg.admissions@imperial.ac.uk 
  • Telephone: (+44) 0207 594 7259

Natural Sciences

The Departments of Chemistry, Life Sciences, Mathematics, and Physics; the Centre for Environmental Policy, the Centre for Co-Curricular Studies and the Educational Development Unit.

  • Email: ns.admissions@imperial.ac.uk 
  • Telephone: (+44) 0207 594 7260

Main Navigation

    • Study overview
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      • Courses for 2022 entry
      • How to apply
      • Fees and funding
      • Accommodation
      • Open days, events and visits
      • Undergraduate prospectus 2022


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      • Courses for 2022-23
      • Doctoral courses
      • How to apply
      • Fees and funding
      • Accommodation
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      • Research Office
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      • Research integrity
      • Clinical Trials
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      • Sustainability


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      • President
      • Provost
      • Alumni stories
      • Award winners
      • Recognising our people
      • Equality, diversity and inclusion


    • A — Z of Faculties and Departments
    • Faculty of Engineering
    • Faculty of Medicine
    • Faculty of Natural Sciences
    • Imperial College Business School

Имперский колледж: общая информация

История Imperial College London насчитывает чуть больше ста лет. В 1907 году были объединены несколько колледжей и новый вуз вошел в состав Лондонского университета.

Вначале это было высшее учебное заведение технического профиля, имеющее высокую репутацию. В годы Второй Мировой войны в вузовских лабораториях и исследовательских центрах создавалось новое эффективное оружие. После войны в состав колледжа была принята медицинская школа, а на рубеже третьего тысячелетия в его стенах была основана Имперская школа бизнеса, создан департамент нанотехнологий.

C Imperial College London связана деятельность 15 Нобелевских лауреатов, 70 членов Лондонского королевского сообщества. Здесь учились и работали известный бактериолог Александр Флеминг, зоолог Томас Гексли, писатель-фантаст Герберт Уэллс, премьер-министр Индии Раджив Ганди, Брайан Мэй – гитарист группы Queen.

Requirements for Graduate Studies

All entry requirements listed in the printed prospectus as well as on our online course lists are in reference to UK qualifications only and reflect the minimum requirement needed to be considered for admission. Programmes often do ask for higher than our minimum requirements, due to the demanding and competitive nature of our programmes.

If you intend to apply for a Masters degree the College minimum requirement is a UK Lower Second Class Honours degree. The majority of programmes have higher requirements, usually a minimum of a UK Upper Second Class Honours.

For admission to a PhD, MPhil, MD (Res) or EngD research programme the College would normally expect you to hold or achieve a Master’s degree in addition to a Bachelor’s degree at UK Upper Second Class Honours Level.

For information regarding our minimum entry requirements for international qualifications please visit our Country Index. All entry requirements are devised by Imperial College London and are unique to the College.

Please note that meeting academic requirements does not guarantee entry, it is only one of the factors taken into account when selectors make their decision: other factors such as suitability for the course, proficiency in English (you will need to have passed a College-approved English test), relevant work experience and references are also important.

Note for research (PhD) applicants

If you are applying for a postgraduate research degree and are asked to present formal evidence of English language ability, you will need to fulfill the Imperial College London Postgraduate English Requirement. This involves taking the Imperial College London initial English assessment (English Assessment 1) as soon as you start your PhD studies. After this assessment, internal classes (which are free of charge) may be recommended, and you may be reassessed at a later stage to evaluate your progress.    

The aim of this requirement is to help and encourage you to work on your English language skills and to ensure that you receive the necessary support to complete your PhD successfully and communicate your work in the wider academic community. For more information please see the Centre for Academic English website. 

How to pay for your accommodation

International Bank Transfer 

Using our , international students, their parents and sponsors can pay in the currency of their choice using a simple and secure method powered by our partner Western Union. 

UK Bank Transfer

Remember: You must quote your Imperial CID number and invoice numbers with all payments to avoid delays to your payment being processed.

Sort Code: 51-50-01Account: 00600032Account Name: Imperial College LondonBank: NatWestAddress: 18 Cromwell Place, London, SW7 2LBRemember: You must quote your Imperial CID number with all payments to avoid delays to your payment being processed

Cheque or Bank Draft 

  1. Make payable to Imperial College London
  2. Write your CID number and invoice number on the back of your cheque
  3. Deliver to: Student Hub, Level 3 Sherfield Building, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ

Pay in person

Payments can be made at the Student Hub (Level 3 Sherfield Building, South Kensington campus) via debit/credit card (except American Express and Diners Club) and cheque (GBP only). View the Student Hub opening hours.  

  • Sterling cash at the Nat West branch
  • (you must provide your CID/invoice number) -Accommodation fees only.

Please note that if you are paying by bank transfer this may incur bank charges. Ask your bank how much their fee is and add that to the invoice value to avoid underpayment.

Main Navigation

    • Study overview
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      • Courses for 2022 entry
      • How to apply
      • Fees and funding
      • Accommodation
      • Open days, events and visits
      • Undergraduate prospectus 2022


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      • Courses for 2022-23
      • Doctoral courses
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    • A — Z of Faculties and Departments
    • Faculty of Engineering
    • Faculty of Medicine
    • Faculty of Natural Sciences
    • Imperial College Business School

Main Navigation

    • Study overview
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      • Courses for 2022 entry
      • How to apply
      • Fees and funding
      • Accommodation
      • Open days, events and visits
      • Undergraduate prospectus 2022


    • Postgraduate

      • Courses for 2022-23
      • Doctoral courses
      • How to apply
      • Fees and funding
      • Accommodation
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      • Research integrity
      • Clinical Trials
      • Global Imperial


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      • Courses for 2022 entry
      • How to apply
      • Fees and funding
      • Accommodation
      • Open days, events and visits
      • Undergraduate prospectus 2022


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      • Doctoral courses
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    • Faculty of Medicine
    • Faculty of Natural Sciences
    • Imperial College Business School

Main Navigation

    • Study overview
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      • Courses for 2022 entry
      • How to apply
      • Fees and funding
      • Accommodation
      • Open days, events and visits
      • Undergraduate prospectus 2022


    • Postgraduate

      • Courses for 2022-23
      • Doctoral courses
      • How to apply
      • Fees and funding
      • Accommodation
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    • A — Z of Faculties and Departments
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    • Faculty of Medicine
    • Faculty of Natural Sciences
    • Imperial College Business School


Our MSc in Finance provides a unique combination of the latest research, practical application and a broad range of topics. The programme equips students with the knowledge and skills to meet modern financial challenges and prepares graduates for a career in finance.

On this Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) partner programme, you will learn from leading practitioners and world-class faculty how to put the latest academic thinking and business strategies into practice.

Study programme

Before the course begins you are expected to complete pre-study and foundation modules online. These are designed to provide you with a basic knowledge of areas later covered throughout the academic year and introduce you to the modern tools of finance.

The taught element of the programme starts in September and you study the core modules throughout the autumn and spring terms. Each student also takes elective modules which are taught in the spring and summer terms. The elective modules allow you to tailor your learning to meet your career ambitions and match your interests. Your choice of electives includes two international options which allow you to experience finance in a different economy

In the spring and summer terms, you will choose between undertaking two types of projects and will work on the project in the summer term and summer vacation period. Students who choose the Applied Project submit 3,000 words and a short presentation. Students who choose the Research Project produce an original piece of work around 10,000 words. Students who complete a Research Project will be required to take one less elective. The Research Project is particularly suited to those students wanting to do a PhD after their MSc programme.


Our graduates are well prepared for jobs in the finance industry, such as investment banking, asset management and consultancy. Graduates have pursued careers in the UK, Europe and further afield, with employers including Deloitte, HSBC and J.P. Morgan.

Find PhD opportunities

Use the links below to search the different PhD opportunities within our academic departments, centres and institutes. Our interdisciplinary approach means our expertise often spans departmental boundaries – and so do our courses – so you may find opportunities in an unexpected area of the College.

Faculty of Engineering

  • Aeronautics
  • Bioengineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Computing
  • School of Design Engineering
  • Earth Science and Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Materials
  • Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Medicine

  • Faculty of Medicine A-Z research directory

    • Department of Brain Sciences
    • Department of Immunology and Inflammation
    • Department of Infectious Disease
    • Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction
    • Department of Surgery and Cancer
    • Institute of Clinical Sciences
    • National Heart and Lung Institute
    • School of Public Health

Global Challenge institutes

We have six Global Challenge institutes, which were created to address some of society’s biggest challenges.

If you have an idea for a PhD that falls within the remit of one of our Global Challenge institutes please contact them directly to discuss before making a formal application to the College.

  • Data Science Institute
  • Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment
  • Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering
  • Institute for Security Science and Technology
  • Institute of Global Health Innovation

Energy Futures Lab does not offer PhD programmes, but does deliver the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures.

Joint Academy of Doctoral Studies | Imperial College London-Technical University of Munich

We have recently formed a strategic partnership in education, research and innovation with the Technical University of Munich, one of Germany’s most international and entrepreneurial universities, producing highly ranked research, like Imperial, in science, engineering and medicine.

As part of the partnership, Imperial and TUM have launched a ‘Joint Academy of Doctoral Studies’ with the aim of co-developing cross-disciplinary clusters of PhD students who will have access to world-leading academic supervisors and state-of-the art facilities at both institutions.

The first round of the programme will focus on the theme of ‘Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare and Robotics’.

Как организован учебный процесс

Сегодня в колледже обучается около 15 тысяч студентов. Подготовка ведется по программам для бакалавров, магистров, докторов. Процесс обучения нацелен на практическое применение полученных знаний в здравоохранении, промышленности, бизнесе. Широко используется система межпредметных связей, сотрудничество с другими вузами.

Работает довузовская подготовка для иностранцев. Она действует 1 год, после ее окончания выдают подготовительный сертификат UCL. Есть также языковая подготовка различной длительности, помогающая будущим студентам изучить язык.

Стоимость обучения для граждан ЕС и Великобритании – 12 132 долларов в год. Для иностранцев-не граждан ЕС стоимость зависит от направления обучения. В таблице цены приведены в фунтах стерлингов.

Степень Инженерия Медицина Ест.науки Бизнес
Бакалавр 26000 25 750–39 150 25 500–26 500 нет
Магистр 27 100–30 600 12 730–29 100 18 800–26 100 24 000–39 000
Доктор 20 500–26 100 30000 19 800–22 500 0 (полное финансирование)

Room type and rents 2021/22

Update 2021/22: In line with the measures we are putting in place to ensure your safety and comfort in light of COVID-19, we have made amendments to the bed spaces and rent details below. 

Accommodation costs will vary depending on the type of room and the location of the hall. The rent includes utility bills, internet access, basic contents insurance, maintenance, communal cleaning and a contribution to the halls activity fund.

Hall Type of room Number of bed spaces Weekly rent per person
Beit Hall En-suite single 154 £260
  Standard single 55 £179
  En-suite twin* 50 £285
  Standard twin* 4 £197
  Total bed spaces: 275  
Eastside Halls Premium en-suite single 134 £316
  En-suite single 228 £272
  En-suite twin* 20 £316
  En-suite twin — RV** 26 £302
  Total bed spaces: 408  
Kemp Porter Buildings En-suite single 460 £156
  En-suite twin* 125 £179
  Total bed spaces: 585  
Parsons House Standard single 42 £91
  Total bed spaces 46  
Pembridge Hall En-suite single 22 £172
  Single with shower only 17 £167
  Standard single 29 £102
  En-suite twin* 9 £189
  Standard twin* 3 £112
  Total bed spaces 84  
Southside Halls Premium en-suite single 101 £316
  En-suite single 105 £272
  En-suite twin* 88 £316
  Premium en-suite single — RV** 3 £302
  En-suite single — RV** 14 £260
  En-suite twin — RV** 3 £302
  Total bed spaces:


Wilson House En-suite single 53 £220
  Standard single 237 £133

Small standard single with Study Bed

30 £119
En-suite twin* 10 £242
  Standard twin* 18 £147
  Total bed spaces: 361  
Woodward Buildings Premium ensuite single 17 £179
  Ensuite single 571 £156
  Ensuite twin* 51 £179
  Total bed spaces: 639  
Xenia Ensuite single <10 sqm 57 £222
  Ensuite single >10.1 sqm 55 £233
  Standard single 22 £119-£127
  Standard twin* 12 £131-139
  Ensuite twin* 1 £256
  Total bed spaces: 153  

*Although displayed as twin rooms, in order to support social distancing guidelines all twin rooms for 2021/22 will be let as single occupancy.

Можно ли рассчитывать на стипендии и гранты

В Imperial College London нет стипендий, полностью оплачивающих обучение иностранных студентов-бакалавров. Тем не менее многие фонды и организации с удовольствием сотрудничают с университетом, предоставляя гранты и стипендии.

Это, например, . Предусмотрено 112 стипендий для тех, кто демонстрирует высокие академические показатели. Финансируются они исключительно за счет благотворительности бывших выпускников и составляют 1000 фунтов в год. Чтобы получить стипендию, студент подает заявку руководству своего факультета.

Гранты для магистров и докторов намного больше. Так, Chevening Scholarship предлагает грант величиной 64 тысячи фунтов стерлингов, что полностью покрывает стоимость проживания, обучения в университете.

Imperial Scholarship предоставляет грант до 60 тысяч фунтов.

Проблема в том, что такие выплаты получает ограниченное количество учащихся. Основное условие – отличная учеба и успехи в научных исследованиях.

Country and Region Index

This information gives general guidance on how qualifications awarded by public overseas institutions may satisfy the College’s minimum academic admission requirements. Please note that requirements or acceptability may differ for specific or other types of institution. Programmes may also often ask for higher than our minimum requirements, due to the demanding and competitive nature of our programmes. Where requirements are expressed as a classification, please note that specific grade averages may also be required, but may not detailed in the index below. All entry requirements are devised by Imperial College London and are unique to the College. These requirements are reviewed annually and may be updated in September each year preceding the next academic year of entry.

Please note that meeting academic requirements does not guarantee admission, it is only one of the factors taken into account when selectors make their decision: other factors such as suitability for the course, proficiency in English (you will need to have passed a College-approved English test), relevant work experience and references are also important.

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